
Crafting Responses and Setting Up Intent-Driven User Interactions


The State block serves as a fundamental unit of dialog within the Parloa. It is designed to handle a specific topic or user query, such as asking for an address in this instance. It's is configured to interpret user input, define responses, and manage the flow of conversation based on the user's stated intent.

State Block

Key Benefits

  • Response Definition: Establishes the chatbot's verbal and text responses to the user.

  • Intent Recognition: Configures the specific user intents that the chatbot should recognize at different junctures of the conversation.

Getting Started

To gain a better understanding of each element, follow the numbers and read the corresponding descriptions provided below.

Define Responses

Use the Responses tab to input the chatbot's verbal and textual communication. Start by crafting a primary prompt that is clear and direct, effectively asking for the user's address.

  • Single and Multiple Prompts: If only one prompt is placed above the dividing line and no prompts are placed below it, this prompt will be used by default in interactions. However, if multiple prompts are placed below the line, they are activated sequentially in the same call when triggered multiple times, ensuring a dynamic conversation flow.

  • SSML Integration: Incorporate Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) to make the bot sound more natural and engaging. This can significantly improve the user's experience by providing a voice that is more relatable and easier to understand.

  • Handling Varied Scenarios: Add additional prompts to manage different scenarios, such as lack of user input or misunderstandings. This ensures the chatbot can handle unexpected user responses gracefully.

  • Response Priority: When both cross-platform and platform-specific responses are used, the platform-specific response takes precedence, allowing for a tailored user experience depending on the platform used.

  • Autocomplete Features: Utilize our autocomplete features within the SSML section to streamline your response creation process. These features can help generate high-quality responses efficiently.

Set Up Intents

  1. In the Intents tab, define the intents that the chatbot should recognize. For an "Ask for address" state, intents like 'tellAddress' or 'provideAddress' and error handling intents like 'else' 'misunderstood' are essential.

  2. Each intent should cover a range of possible user utterances to ensure broad recognition capabilities. For example, "yeah," "yep," "yes" for the "yes" intent, and "nope," "no" for the "no" intent.

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