Project Management

The home to all your dialogs

The Projects window is the home to all your dialogs. It is the primary page that displays all of your projects. A project serves as a container for your dialog and its associated definitions.

To open a project, simply click on it or hover over it to access options such as editing, exporting, or archiving. You can also sort projects by their attributes: Name, Last Modified, or Created, by clicking the corresponding column title.

You can return to the main Projects page at any time by clicking the Parloa icon located in the top-left corner.

The following describes how to manage your projects in Parloa:

Creating New Projects
  1. Give your project a name in the Name field.

  2. Select your starting language in the Starting Language field.

The newly created project is now added to the projects list.

Exporting Projects

The "starting language" of an imported project is automatically determined based on the configured language when exporting the project.

  1. Hover over a project row.

  2. Select the version of the project to export from the dropdown list.

  3. Click Export.

Importing Projects

Imported projects include all the languages of the exported project, along with all nested elements.

  1. Enter a project name in the Name field, shown below.


  • The zip file can be called anything, but it must contain the project.json file.

Renaming Projects
  1. Hover over a project row.

  2. Rename your project in the pop-up window under the Name field.

  3. Click the Done button.

Viewing Your Projects
Searching for Projects
Sorting Projects

The project list is sorted by the Last Modified field by default.

You can sort your projects list in ascending or descending order by clicking on one of the following column titles:

  • Name – Sorts your projects alphabetically.

  • Last Modified – Sorts your projects based on when they were last changed.

  • Created – Sorts your projects based on when they were created.

Deleting Projects
  • A user can have multiple projects.

  • A project's name is not case sensitive.

Having at least one project language selected is a mandatory requirement.

Last updated