Service Branches and Error Handling

Branches are different types of cases handled by the service in question. For example, you can define a success branch that handles the successful execution of a service, as shown below. You can give your branches custom names that will then appear in the graph, as well as an optional description. If you do not specify a particular name, the default API name branch_0 will be selected on default. New branch additions will be incremented by 1.

Adding Branches to a Service

By clicking on the in your service, you can add branches.

Please note that anelsebranch is automatically added to your service and that this branch cannot be deleted. Though it is not mandatory to connect theelsebranch, you could use it to handle the failure of a service, especially if noelseis defined in your global block.

Service Error Handling

If a branch with the name error exists in the service definition, which is added by switching the "Error Branch" toggle from service block, it is triggered if the service fails.

If the branch is not added, the on error branch in the Global Intents is triggered in case of an error.

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