
The <audio> tag is a feature within SSML that allows you to incorporate audio clips, such as sound effects or pre-recorded messages, into your speech synthesis. It enriches the interaction with callers by providing a more dynamic auditory experience.

Attributes of the Audio Tag

  • Input – This attribute is used to provide a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that links directly to the audio file you want to embed. The file must be accessible via HTTPS to ensure secure transmission. An example would be

  • Storage – If you have audio files that are used repeatedly or need to be managed efficiently, you can utilize storage variables. This option allows you to reference audio files that are stored in a variable, making it easier to manage and update your audio content across different parts of your dialog system.

  • Parloa does not offer hosting for audio files on its own CDN. Therefore, you are responsible for hosting your audio content on an external server or cloud storage service.

  • When referencing external audio files, ensure they are reliably hosted and available for access whenever your speech synthesis system needs them.

Implementing Audio Tags in Parloa

To implement an audio tag in Parloa, choose the source of your audio file. If you're inputting a new source, provide the HTTPS link in the Input field. If you're using a stored file, select Storage and select the appropriate variable.

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