
Adding, editing and deleting utterances

Utterances are the varied phrases or words of input, reflecting intentions or commands. Within Parloa, these utterances are mapped to corresponding intents to trigger the appropriate responses from the bot. The depth of the bot's understanding is directly tied to the diversity and richness of its utterance database – the more utterances the system recognizes.

Types of Utterances

Utterances in Parloa fall into two main categories:

  • Generic Utterances: These are common expressions applicable across a variety of scenarios, which provide the chatbot with foundational comprehension of widespread caller requests.

  • Specific Utterances: These are detailed phrases specifically aligned with particular intents. They allow the bot to interpret and fulfill highly targeted caller queries with greater precision.

Managing Utterances

Adding Utterances

To add an utterance manually:

  1. Scroll down to the end of the utterances list for the intent.

  2. Click on an empty Add Utterance field, and type the new utterance:

  3. Press Enter, or click anywhere else on the screen to save the new utterance.

To generate utterances using AI:

  1. Scroll down to the end of the utterances list.

  2. Click the Generate More Utterances button.


  1. Open the bulk editor by clicking Bulk Edit Utterances

  2. Describe the type of utterances you want in the text field on the right

  3. Click Generate Utterances

Editing an Utterance or Utterances

Editing a single utterance:

To edit an utterance –

  1. Click on an intent:

  2. Click Utterances, shown in the right pane:

  3. Place the cursor on the utterance you want to edit, and type your change.

  4. Press Enter, or click anywhere else on the screen to save the new utterance.

To edit several utterances –

  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

  2. Click Bulk Edit Utterances:

  3. Click and edit the utterances in the pop-window:

  4. Click the Update Utterances button when done.

Deleting an Utterance

To delete a single utterance:

  1. To the right of an utterance, click on the Trash icon:

  2. Click Delete:

To delete multiple utterances:

  1. Click the Bulk Edit Utterances button:

  2. Select the utterances to delete, as shown below:

  3. Press the backspace key on your keyboard to delete them.

  4. Click the Update Utterances button to confirm the deletion.

Platform Availability

Each utterance in Parloa can be assigned to specific platforms or set to universal availability.

To adjust platform availability:

  1. Click on an intent:

  2. Click Utterances, shown in the right pane:

  3. Click the All button to display a dropdown menu of platforms to choose from:

AI Utterance Generator

Quick Add Method

  1. Go to Dialog → Speech Assets → Intents. This displays a list of intents and their linked utterances.

  2. Click on an intent. A pane on the right displays:

  3. Click the Utterances tab, and add at least one utterance, to enable the AI utterance generation (in the Description tab).

  4. Scroll down and click the Generate More Utterances button:

We recommend adding several utterances before utilizing AI generation for improved AI-generated outcomes.

Generate from Description

In the bulk editor, input a description and click Generate Utterances to directly insert new utterances into the list.

Last updated