The Salesforce-Flow Connector empowers the execution of Salesforce Flows, ensuring smooth communication through well-managed input and output variables. Streamline workflow integration effortlessly.
Service configuration
success: service call completed
fail: failed to call the external API
flowURL: path to the actual Flow like /path/to/myFlow
salesforceCredentials: JSON stringified object with following attributes:
client_id: required
client_secret: required
password: required
testSystem: optional
The standard login url is "" when this setting is active (any value) the url changes to "". The actual Flow instance url also changes.
...your Input variables for the Flow
The output will be dynamically generated based on the API used, and match its response object.
Possible Errors:
Unable to retrieve token from Salesforce. Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400
This error usually comes from wrong credentials. You may be wondering why it throws an HTTP 400 bad request. It is because Salesforce itself throws 400 (instead of 401 / 403) when you request with false credentials.
Error while accessing the salesforce flow...
This error occurs when there is a problem with the salesforce flow.
For authentication, replace <AUTHCODE> and <CLIENTID> with the values provided by your Parloa representative.
Additional Service Details
The purpose of the Salesforce Connector is to empower businesses by facilitating the seamless execution of Salesforce Flows inside Parloa bots. This service ensures fluid communication through effective management of input and output variables. With the Salesforce Connector, organizations can effortlessly streamline workflow integration, enabling a more efficient and cohesive operational environment.
Parloa users with technical knowledge about Salesforce Flows & the platform itself.
Execution of Salesforce Flows
Adjust In- & Outup accordingly to your flow
Chosse between prod & test system
curl --location '<CLIENTID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-functions-key: <AUTHCODE>' \
--data-raw '{
"input": {
"Method": "<example input for your flow>",
"ANI": "<example input for your flow>",
"salesforceCredentials": "{\"client_id\":\"<your-client-id>\",\"client_secret\":\"<your-client-secret>\",\"username\":\"<your-username>\",\"password\":\"<your-password>\",\"testSystem\":null}"
Additional Technical Specifications
EU only
Usage in Parloa
Setting up the salesforce credentials variable
The best way to setup the credentials object is to first create new environment variables for this:
After that you can set up a storage block where you create the stringified salesforce credentials object: