Transferring a Call

To transfer a call from Parloa to another Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) destination, such as your Contact Center, utilize the SIP REFER option within the Call Control block.

This operation necessitates configuring three specific SIP headers to ensure a successful call transfer:


This header specifies the destination number for the transfer. It is automatically populated based on the value you enter into the designated text box. Format the destination as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) like so: sip:[DestinationNumber]@[TeniosID]


Tenios utilizes the P-Asserted-Identity header as the Caller ID for the outgoing transfer call. To add this header:

  1. Click the + icon to introduce a new header.

  2. In the userID field, enter P-Asserted-Identity.

  3. In the Value field, specify your desired Caller ID. This is usually the Caller ID from the incoming call to Parloa. Format this information using the URI structure: sip:[CallerNumber]@[TeniosID]

Ensure you have the legal right to use the number you set as the outgoing Caller ID.


The Referred-By header is critical for Tenios to verify if the SIP trunk is authorized to initiate transfers to the PSTN. This header should include the SIP username from your SIP account or SIP Trunk. Format it as a URI. If your IP Trunk configuration does not use authentication (for example, no SIP username), you may omit the username part from the URI.

The configuration for the headers, once completed, enables call transfers to function as intended.

Bonus! Creating DDIs in Tenios

Certain Tenios numbers are enabled for Direct Dial-In (DDI), allowing for the creation of multiple extensions from a single main number. This functionality can be particularly useful for managing different versions or environments of your Parloa bot:

  • Main number: +49 12312

  • DDIs range: +49 123123-0 to +49 123123-999

For organizational purposes, consider assigning a unique main number to each Parloa bot, with DDIs indicating the bot's version or environment. For instance:

🤖 Bot 1
  • +49 1111-1 for Production

  • +49 1111-2 for Staging/Testing

  • +49 1111-3 for Development

🤖 Bot 2
  • +49 2222-1 for Production

  • +49 2222-2 for Staging/Testing

  • +49 2222-3 for Development

The hyphen (-) in DDI numbers is not dialed. For example, you would dial +49 1111-3 as +49 11113.

Last updated