Speech-to-Text Hints

This functionality is available for the supported language locales where the underlying Speech-to-Text (STT) model facilitates phrase lists. For a comprehensive list of supported languages, you may refer here.


Speech-to-Text Hints, commonly referred to as Phrase Lists, are instrumental in guiding the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system to better comprehend words or phrases that are more likely to occur in your dialogues.

Implementing STT Hints significantly bolsters the accuracy of the ASR system, particularly when discerning phonetically similar utterances. This is invaluable for accurately capturing proper nouns such as names and locations, as well as industry-specific terminology that often poses spelling challenges. For an in-depth understanding of STT Hints and their implementation, you may refer here.

Technical Configuration

To take advantage of Speech-to-Text Hints, make a service call to our dedicated Speech-to-Text Hints Service. Use the following technical specifications:

  • continue: Default.

  • empty_stt: Triggered when no hints are provided in the list.

The hints you provide will remain active until they are replaced by an empty list or input. Therefore, it's recommended to make a service call with an empty input when exiting the relevant dialog section.

Workflow Example

The STT hints you submit will remain active within the system until they are supplanted by an empty list or new input. To prevent carryover effects, it is advisable to dispatch a service call with an empty payload upon concluding the dialog segment that utilized the hints.

Imagine a scenario in which STT hints are employed at the beginning of a sub-dialogue and are cleared as you exit that dialogue sequence. Illustrated below is a straightforward workflow exemplifying this process:

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