
The <emphasis> tag is used to emphasize specific words or phrases, helping to draw attention or set a desired tone in conversational AI interactions. It functions similarly to the <prosody> tag, without requiring individual settings for speech attributes.

Emphasis Tag Attributes

  • Level – The level attribute adjusts the emphasis level, with possible values:

    • none: Default emphasis.

    • strong: Louder volume and slower speaking rate.

    • moderate: Slightly louder volume and slower speaking rate (default).

    • reduced: Slightly quieter volume and faster speaking rate.

  • The default setting is moderate if no level is specified.

  • The strong level would be used to convey a particularly important point or to express heightened emotion.

Implementation of the Emphasis Tag

To use the <emphasis> tag effectively:

  1. Identify the words or phrases in your dialog that require emphasis.

  2. Choose the appropriate level of emphasis for your desired effect.

  3. Implement the tag within your SSML script, for example:

    I am <emphasis level="strong">really</emphasis> happy right now.

In the provided screenshot, the word "really" is emphasized with a strong level, which will make the synthesized voice speak this word with louder volume and a slower rate, thus drawing the listener's attention to the speaker's emotion.

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