CallData Service and API

Save and Access Details from a Call After It Has Ended

Parloa's CallData Service and Retrieval API offer a structured way to save and retrieve essential information from a call, even after the Parloa segment of the call has concluded. This functionality is crucial when Parloa transfers a call back to the contact center, allowing the agent to access important data from the interaction, such as recognized intent or authentication status. While data can also be transmitted back to the customer via SIP headers (if the connection is via SIP), there are limitations on the number of characters that can be sent using this method; moreover, this option is unavailable for PSTN connections. The CallData API provides an effective alternative to bypass these limitations.

Understanding the Process

Step 1: Data Storage During a Call

During a call, a bot-builder or Solution Engineer configures a Parloa Service block to write data into the CallData database. This data is stored at Parloa for up to 30 days for later retrieval, essentially through a POST request to a Parloa-hosted resource.

Step 2: Data Retrieval Post-Call

After a call has ended on Parloa, the stored data can be retrieved via a simple GET request to a specified endpoint. This makes the data accessible to agents through most enterprise contact center systems that support API integrations.

Setting Up and Using CallData with Parloa

Service Configuration

If you are new to configuring Parloa services, please first visit the Technical Configuration page. The following steps are necessary to add the CallData Service under the "Services" tab in the Parloa frontend.

  • success: Indicates the service call was successful, and the desired data was written to the database.

  • else: Triggers for an unsuccessful request. For more information, see Services -> Branches.

Additional Service Details

The CallData service temporarily stores relevant call data in a Parloa-hosted database (for a maximum of 30 days) to allow for querying within the customer's system after the call has ended and left Parloa. This is useful for use in the agent frontend.

Usage in Parloa

Sample Configuration Using Storage Variables

As noted, users can define additional fields for the CallData database. An example transaction might record the chosen hero and location during a call to the "SuperHero Hotline". Note that the CallData service does not return any output to the Parloa frontend; success is indicated by the triggering of the success branch, confirming the data has been stored.

Post-Call Data Retrieval

To fetch data, you'll need two required parameters: callerID and callId.

GET Request Parameters

The request can include additional optional parameters such as format, timeLimit, lang, and countryCode. These parameters allow you to narrow down results or expand your search. More details on these parameters are available in the next section.

You can find more information on these parameters in the table in the next section.

Below is an illustrative example of how a request and its corresponding response look:

Testing the API

Both the writing and the retrieval of data can be tested outside of the Parloa frontend for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.

POSTing Sample Data

To test the API endpoint, you can POST sample data directly. An example CURL could look like the following:

curl --location '<AUTHCODE>&clientId=<CLIENTID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "input": {
        "callerid": "+111111111",
        "callid": "145644644ff",
        "content": "Postman tests"

A more complex request might look like this:

  "input": {
    "callerid": "+4112345678",
    "callid": "12345",
    "content": "The user spoke to the bot",
    "destination": "someServiceQueue",
    "intent": "doSomeCoolThing",
    "sessionid": "d69130c6fe02bf8110a25d191c5ec6de"

The most common cause of failure is missing (or misnaming) one of the required input fields:

  "input": {
    "callerid": "+4112345678",
    "content": "The user spoke to the bot",
    "whichCall": "12345",
    "destination": "someServiceQueue",
    "intent": "doSomeCoolThing",
    "sessionid": "d69130c6fe02bf8110a25d191c5ec6de"

POST Request Parameters





The user's Caller ID can appear as either an international number (starting with +49...) or a local number (starting with 0...).

+41 12345678




The unique ID of the call that needs to be returned.




No, but recommended

The content you want to collect from the user.

The user spoke to the bot



No but recommended

Internal Parloa ID. Useful for debugging.





Specify the country code to recognize local numbers.

+41 || any other country code Country Codes





GETing Sample Data

To check whether your sample data has written to the DB, you can GET the sample data using the following CURL command:

curl --location --request GET '<AUTHCODE>&clientId=<CLIENTID>&caller=%2B111111111&callid=145644644ff' 

Note that for the GET request, parameters are passed in directly in the URL of the request.

In the case of conflicting entries, which are possible if the callid is a simplified custom string, the service will return the most recent one. Additional parameters can be used in the CURL to adjust the results, e.g. returning in html format.

curl --location '<AUTHCODE>&clientId=<CLIENTID>&caller=%2B111111111&callid=145644644ff'

The generalized html field names (returned for all entries, regardless of custom fields) are German by default, but can be returned in English using the lang parameter.

curl --location '<AUTHCODE>&clientId=<CLIENTID>&caller=%2B111111111&callid=145644644ff&lang=en&format=html'

There are 2 common ways that this request can fail; most often, either there is a misconfiguration in the GET request, or the record was created outside the default time range of the service. To avoid misconfigurations (incorrect phone number, callerid instead of caller, etc.), check the GET request carefully. If the time range might be the issue, it can be adjusted using the timeLimit parameter in the request.

curl --location '<AUTHCODE>&clientId=<CLIENTID>&caller=%2B111111111&callid=145644644ff&lang=en'

The service does not differentiate error types in its response and will simply say "no result found".

GET Request Parameters





Caller ID (phone number) of the user. Either international format (+49...), or local format (0...). Be sure to encode the + properly for the URI component (becomes %2B)

%2B4917670919361 (encoded +4917670919361)




unique identifier of the call





maxiumum age of the data to be returned in seconds

Default is 60 seconds. Adjust this to a higher number if calls are queued for a longer time before the data is being requested.




Return data in either json (default), xml , html or text





Specify the country code to recognize local numbers

+41 || any other country code Country Codes




two-letter language code to determine the language of the returned field names (relevant for html formatted response)

de || en

(additional languages not yet supported)

Last updated

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