Validate and process IBAN information to correct common phone transcription errors and ensure IBAN validity, including SEPA compliance checks.
Service Configuration
success: A valid IBAN that passes SEPA tests if enabled.
incomplete: Appears to be an IBAN but is incomplete based on country-specific format requirements.
no_country: Missing two-letter country code in the input.
not_sepa: A valid IBAN outside the SEPA area when SEPA test is enabled.
fail: All other cases where a valid IBAN is not identified.
You can omit any branches that are not relevant to your specific error handling needs.
utterance: The raw input from the caller. Access this in Parloa via a storage block with intent.rawPlatformRequestBody.text (phoneV2 only) and pass it to the service.
assertSEPA: Set to any non-empty value to perform a SEPA area check on a valid IBAN.
iban: The correctly formatted IBAN when validation is successful.
ssml: The IBAN in SSML format, with characters separated by short pauses for clarity.
error: Detailed error message when the IBAN validation fails.
Replace <AUTHCODE> and <CLIENTID> with credentials provided by your Parloa contact.
Additional Service Details
The IBAN Validation service is designed to validate and correct entered or transcribed IBANs, identifying and fixing common errors during phone communication, ensuring accurate IBAN details.
Beginners: Validate and correct IBAN details with ease.