
Refining Your Conversation Flow


The Subdialog block enables you to to create and manage reusable sections of a conversation. They're like building blocks that you can insert anywhere in your chat flow, perfect for repeated tasks such as updating your address.

Getting Started

Here's an example of a Subdialog block named Change Address:

Define the Subdialog

Establish the subdialog block, identifying the specific task it will handle—such as "Change Address"—and set up the entrance and exit points accordingly.

Incorporate into the Flow

Position your subdialog within your chatbot's conversational flow where an address change might be necessary, ensuring it's accessible from relevant points in the dialogue.

Set Up Exits

Configure successful (✅) and unsuccessful (❌) exits from the subdialog to dictate subsequent actions based on user interaction outcomes.

Reuse and Refine

Utilize the "Change Address" subdialog across different scenarios within your chatbot where address updating is needed, and continuously refine it for better performance.

Subdialogs List

In the Subdialogs tab, you'll find a list of all your created Subdialogs. This list shows which Subdialogs are currently in use ("Connected") and which are not yet part of the dialog flow ("Not connected"), under the Status tab. Here you can add a new Subdialog to your chatbos, as follows –

  1. Click the + Add Subdialog button –

  2. In the pop-up window, enter a name in the New Subdialog Name field:

  3. Click Create.

Continue to the next page to learn how to repurpose your subdialogs across various projects.

Last updated